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Dambethanna Estate is just ten km away from Haputale town. East of Haputale, a scenic narrow road along the edge of the steeply mountain through beautiful rambling tea estates leads to the legendary Dambatenna Tea Factory, built by Sir Thomas Lipton, the tea magnate whose name is immortalized in Lipton’s Tea. The colonial Dambatenne Tea Factory brings in an unmistakable message of philanthropy in addition to the efficient industry. The workers’ quarters of the famous factory accommodates over 4,000 people, the 20,000 sq ft factory employs 1,600 workers.

In spite of the on-going modernization, some of the machinery of the colonial era is still in operation in this ISO certified factory.

Diyaluma Falls Five kilometres East of Koslanda, the road to Beragala passes the 636 feet-high Diyaluma Falls, Sri Lanka, second highest waterfall. Cascading down a steep ridge of the Koslanda Plateau, the stream is fairly small, but it quickly escalates after a downpour. The falls leap over a cliff face and fall in one clear drop to a pool below. Diyaluma or Diya Haluma collects its water from the Poonagala Oya in the vicinity of Koslanda and Wellawaya. Located 13 kms from Wellawaya, its waters originate from the Mahakande Pass in Koslanda.

Lipton Seat

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